The Inhale
It is useful to focus on an aspect of the breathing process that is often unconscious and goes unnoticed: the inhale. A good inhale is triggered after air has been expelled from the body up and out behind the tongue. Most of us don’t breathe out enough.
Spend a few moments each day (even a breathing cycle or two will help build awareness) consciously allowing your body to provide the cues to exhale and inhale. At the top and bottom of the exhale/inhale wait (probably longer than you usually do) until you sense the internal kinesthetic signals to change the direction of the air.
When you can, keep your lips closed as you inhale. This will clean and warm the air.
Think of your air tube or column as coming all the way up your throat to the top of your tongue as it is high in the back of your mouth.
1. If you are hearing sound on your inhale, your throat is tight!
2. There is no need to try to open your throat on the inhale!
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