Sunday, June 13, 2010

Freedom to Move

One of the interesting aspects of the Alexander Technique is that it helps one to consider new possibilities for ways of thinking in action. As one consciously works to allow for new concepts and choices, one is led to deeper understandings and more fundamental embodiments of the Alexander Technique. At Freedom to Move, the conference on Dance and the Alexander Technique, we saw the principles of the Technique being applied to various different forms of dance, and it was evident that the principles of the Technique apply to all movement. This is what was shared last month at the conference, which was sponsored by the Balance Arts Center. And everyone, accomplished dancers, non-dancers, teachers, and AT and movement teachers could learn side-by-side in the same movement situation and all come out with new awareness of their movement and themselves.

The most wonderful aspect of the conference was everyone’s willingness to explore and listen with openness, curiosity and utmost respect for each others' ideas and points of view. This created an atmosphere of exploration and support for our various areas of interest.

Most of the presenters have been living and working with the principles of the Alexander Technique for many years and their understanding of the work has permeated their entire beings. We had a lively time playing with how we are using the concepts of the AT in relationship to all the many sides of the field of dance: choreographing, teaching dance, improving our own movement and performance, etc. Everyone, presenters and participants, was generous with their teaching and learning. It was fascinating to see how working with the principles of the work lead each of us to discoveries, new awareness, and ways of thinking about our own movement, and how to communicate that to others. The AT has profoundly shaped the way we approach, see, talk about, and create movement.

The conference was a good reminder that the Alexander Technique is a Technique that is fundamental to all the various forms of movement we do, whether or not we are in the field of dance.

There is so much more to explore and to share. We plan to hold another conference again next year.

Photos of the conference are posted at

You can also hear a podcast of the panel discussion “The Alexander Technique and Creativity”. The Conference schedule is still posted on the website as well.

It was extremely inspiring to see how people are utilizing the concepts and how they are creatively applying them to their own areas of interest. It was a good reminder that we all need to make the AT principles our own and that they can be applied to every aspect of our life making, each thing we do a creative act.

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